A new town. A new school. A new beginning. Seventeen year-old Cordell Griffin and his mother move from Los Angeles to the Pacific Northwest to deal with his "allergies," and start a healthier new life. Cor has one goal: To blend in and be invis...
The Cor Griffin Bloodsuckers' story continues in the thrilling sequel to Dark Matter Heart. Cor, Taylor and Caitlyn have put an end to The Creeper's reign of terror, but at what cost? The teens' lives are thrust deeper into turmoil as Detectives Toll...
The action packed conclusion to the Dark Matter Heart Trilogy Cor, Taylor and Caitlyn fled the city, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake. Attempting to regroup, the trio learns that Caitlyn's actions have put Cor's mysterious new friend, Diana, i...
My name is Jack Smith......at least, I thought it was.But I also thought bad luck wasn't really a thing. And curses didn't exist. And fortunetellers were phony.Then Jaelle-the girl of my dreams-fell into my life and all that changed. Now we're on the...