A unique blend of actual 18th-century letters and sensitively imagined fiction, A More Obedient Wife tells the story of two women in the 1790s-each in a troubled marriage to a Supreme Court Justice-swept up in the little-known but fascinating earl...
At Barton Friends a D.C. prep school so elite its parent body includes the President and First Lady - three mothers have thrown themselves into organizing the annual musical revue. Will its Machiavellian intrigue somehow enable them to reconnect with...
Inspired by a treasure trove of 200-year-old letters, A More Obedient Wife traces the intertwined stories of two real women from the 1790s. Hannah Gray is just nineteen when she meets the distinguished-and apparently wealthy-Supreme Court Justice...
Baltimore, 1807: Eliza Anderson, 26 years old, defies prevailing ideas about a woman's proper place to become editor of the Observer, a magazine that blends serious commentary and satire. But while Eliza mocks her neighbors, someone in her household ...