In this lively adaptation of “The Gingerbread Boy,” a bold little man made of matzah jumps out of the baker’s oven and leads him and everyone in the neighborhood -- all of whom are preparing for Passover -- on a merry chase. With colossal chutz...
Sadie and her four little brothers are very poor and always hungry. On the first night of Chanukah, Sadie performs a generous act, and in turn receives a frying pan that cooks up sizzling hot, golden latkes on command. Sadie tells her brothers never ...
When a little girl pretends she's a real princess, her imagination soars and her bedtime routine is transformed into a majestic affair. While practicing curtsies on her way to bed, she gets the royal treatment: chocolate cream éclairs, glass slipper...
Purim is coming! It’s time for the little old lady to bake better-than-best hamantashen. But when she asks her pets to help, they’re all too busy. What could they be up to? Soon the little old lady will find out! Author-illustrator Naomi Howland...