In A Kwanzaa Celebration, Nancy Williams and award winning illustrator Robert Sabuda have created an exuberant mix of symbolic holiday images, bold blocks of color, and ingenious pop-ups. This festive book is a true celebration of a...
Blood Truth is the final installment of the Hawkmoon Trilogy. Sadie Hawkmoon and Molly Stone find themselves on a journey that will bind their past and their future together when the discover the truth that links them inextricably together....
Mark Ohlnick believes he is living the quintessential American dream: dog in the yard, cushy office job, a beautiful wife, and a great group of friends. Until Stan, Mark’s neighbor, makes him question just how happy his little bubble really is, ...
A giant emperor rules through the murder of innocents and the destruction of men. By the use of black magic, human sacrifice and the drinking of blood. Druas-Bradwr has lived for 500 years. Now, Arnoux, a farmer's son, will lead a trio of friends on ...