The dream of asexually reproducing man from a single cell becomes a reality for a third-year surgical resident at the Dallas hospital in November, 1963 when the dying President is brought in for emergency treatment...
After her husband dies a hero's death as a kamikaze pilot during World War II, a young widow, Momoko, and her son, Akio, struggle to rebuild their lives in postwar Japan, in a story that spans three generations of a Japanese family...
In this finely drawn portrait, Sappho of Lesbos narrates her extraordinary life, from her childhood in war-torn Mitylene to her later relentless search for passionate love. Driven by the all-consuming fever of her Muse-inspired poetic gift, Sappho...
The communications revolution began, with Bell's telephone, but it really went ballistic with the advent of radio in the early twentieth century. This is the story of David Freedman, dubbed the "Czar of Radio,"who wrote and directed the top comedy sh...
The story of a mother and daughter who never met, but whose lives were permanently intertwined. The mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, founder pf the feminist revolution with her epochal VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN, died in childbirth. The daughter,...