Debut author, Nancy Barr, introduces a new mystery series with protagonist, newspaper reporter, Robin Hamilton. Set in a small-town in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, things are not as placid as they seem. Robin investigates a hit and run for the local n...
A mystery Novel set in Michigan's rugged Upper Peninsula Sassy, gutsy reporter Robin Hamilton investigates a murder in a small town where things are not always as they seem. As Robin covers the scoop of a hit and run accident for the local newspaper,...
A dusty old scrapbook in a used bookstore finds its way into the hands of Robin Hamilton, small-town newspaper reporter, who is taking a day off in the tiny tourist town of Copper Harbor, Michigan. The frayed scrapbook's first page holds a photo of M...
Growing up on the northern shore of Lake Michigan in the town of Escanaba, Michigan, Robin Hamilton couldn’t wait to get away from the isolation and cold, snowy weather to the bright lights of Chicago and a job with the Tribune. After her fiancé ...