Living in a secluded forest cottage, Krystin, age ten, starts longing to know what lies in the world beyond. Her parents, fearful of something they refuse to talk about, forbid her to wander far. When Krystin unexpectedly encounters a talking wease...
In this intense sequel to The Weasel and the Wizard, Krystin and David, now five years older, again tangle with magical, mysterious off-worlders from Irth. The apprentice of the evil wizard, Zarcon, learns of his death, swearing revenge on those invo...
Things are changing in enEdlias palace on the world of Irth. High Patriarch Brokt has just died, leaving his wife, Narrian, a heartbroken widow, and his realm tumbling into political upheaval. Twelve-year-old Nizza is more than thrilled that her elde...
Heir to the throne of enEdlia on the magical world of Irth, Crown Patriarch Thairyn insistently claims that he has a magical birth-gift, even though there is no evidence of it. His family fears he is not just a late bloomer, but magicless like his mo...
The Earth to Irth fantasy Series, Book 4 for ages 8+. A great read-aloud to children as young as five. Fantastic characters, daring travels on sea and land, magic, and dragons are all included. An exciting coming-into-their-own adventure for more tha...
As a princess in the Patriarchal Realm of en’Edlia, Jewl has grown up
close to her twin sister, Phyre. Born to a royal mother from nonmagical
Earth and a high patriarch father now ruling on magical Irth,
Jewl has inherited a birth-gi...