Although Mary Lou is treated badly by her foster parents, she manages to endure, but when the duo takes in a two-and-a-half-year-old named Sam, she is determined that he will not suffer as she has and runs away with him...
Students Samantha Howard and Taylor Hartford become involved in a perilous mystery when they investigate the disappearance of their popular principal, Mrs. Blankenship, who has been kidnapped by unidentified assailants for unknown reasons...
Her father's decision to move the family out of the city and into dreary, impoverished South Rutland changes Alisa Wilson's life, as she is forced to confront her mother's depression, a task made more bearable with the help of Paul Heyser. Original....
It''s difficult to resist the charm of Jospeh Fipps, with his yellow boots and the teddybear he drags around! It''s difficult to resist the charm of Jospeh Fipps, with his yellow boots and the teddybear he drags around!...