Throughout the history of fiction, there has never been a detective more famous than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. In Volume 1, two mysterious characters are haunted by their deadly pasts. Accompany Holmes and his friend Watson as they...
Presents two adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, each accompanied by a section identifying the clues mentioned in the story and explaining the reasoning used by Holmes to put the clues together and come up with a solution. Also includes a m...
Presents two adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, each accompanied by a section identifying the clues mentioned in the story and explaining the reasoning used by Holmes to put the clues together and come up with a solution. Also includes a m...
Presents two adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, each accompanied by a section identifying the clues mentioned in the story and explaining the reasoning used by Holmes to put the clues together and come with a solution. Also includes a map ...
Presents two Sherlock Holmes adventures, each accompanied by a section identifying the clues mentioned in the story and explaining the reasoning used by Holmes to find a solution. Includes a map highlighting the sites of the mysteries....
Has Sherlock Holmes met his match? Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are asked to help the King of Bohemia find a very important photograph. It won’'t be easy. The King's former love, Irene Adler, has hidden the photograph. Holmes must don a clever...
After a murder, lies run wild at the Abbey Grange. Will the truth be told? Scotland Yard calls in Holmes and Watson to investigate the murder of Sir Eustace Brackenstall. But the evidence doesn't match up with the witnesses' stories. Holmes knows ...
A hat, a goose, and a priceless blue gem...Can Sherlock Holmes add up the clues? When countess's blue gem is stolen and winds up inside a goose, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson jump on the case. But will they ever find the thief? Or is it just a wi...
Can Holmes decode the message of the dancing men? When Hilton Cubitt finds strange messages around his house, he is puzzled. When his wife sees them, she is terrified! Cubitt turns to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for answers. Will the duo be abl...
Violet Hunter takes a job as a governess at the Copper Beeches. But she is puzzled when her employers ask her to cut her hair and wear a special dress. Things get stranger still when she finds a lock of hair that looks like her own and a mysteriou...
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson learn of a criminal destroying Napoleon busts all over London. At first, they aren’t sure what to think. But when the criminal turns to murder, they know they must take action. Can they solve the case before the st...
A mother sucks the blood from her baby's neck! Could she be a vampire? Do vampires really exist? Robert Ferguson thinks so. In fact, he believes his wife is one! He calls upon Holmes and Watson to solve the case. Will they find an explanation for ...
Retold in graphic novel form, Sherlock Holmes attempts to solve the murder of a Herefordshire landowner, whose estranged son has been accused of the crime. Includes a section explaining Holmes's reasoning and the clues he used to solve the mystery....
Jabez Wilson can’t believe his luck. He can join the Redheaded League and earn money just because of his fiery red hair. But the league suddenly breaks up, and he loses the easy income. Wilson goes to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for answers. ...
Who killed Captain Peter Carey? Everyone knows that Captain Carey, nicknamed Black Peter, was a nasty, cruel character. But who would murder him and why? Can Holmes, Watson, and Inspector Lestrade find the brutal killer before it's too late?
...Are you a detective? Get on the case with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to solve an impossible mystery. See if you can figure out how Holmes pulls the facts together so quickly. Clues at the back of the book will reveal his process of reasoning and ...
Are you a detective? Get on the case with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to solve an impossible mystery. See if you can figure out how Holmes pulls the facts together so quickly. Clues at the back of the book will reveal his process of reasoning and ...
What is the secret behind a letter that shocks a man to death? Holmes was not always a famous detective. In Holmes's very first case, a simple letter shocked a man to death. Holmes explains to Watson how a voyage upon a ship called the Gloria Sc...