The Hawk's Shadow is a short story that takes place shortly before the events of Black Earth, and after the events of Ravenstone.A tracker named Hawkwing and a former bandit known as the White Demon try to evade a clandestine organization known as th...
An exiled man wonders if he should forsake his new life and risk returning to his homeland. A troubled girl seeks redemption for a terrible crime she has committed. A solitary tracker breaks an oath in order to communicate with an infamous, supernatu...
They were destined for failure. When William, a mysterious and manipulative wizard, learns the deadly Ravenstone has been uncovered by a self-proclaimed regent known as the Priagent, he hastily assembles a group of mismatched travelers to steal the s...
Their mission was at an end.Suffering the price of their failure, the companions are divided. Undeterred in her quest for redemption, Kariayla, followed by Jinx and Ruby, pursues the deadly stone in a seemingly futile mission. Hawkwing and Arcturus s...
Ravenstone: The Complete SagaBoth novels in one volume!Legend of the Ravenstone and Curse of the Ravenstone**Bonus Short Story Included**The Hawk's Shadow: A Tale from SecramoreThey were destined for failure.When a mysterious and manipulative wizard,...
Book One of the Origins TrilogyStrange omens in the skies and empty villages speak of otherworldly invasion, but there is no sign of the enemy. The Nemelorean oracles look to an exile for help, but Kariayla has her own troubles in Mystland. Working b...
The Dark Tide is rising. Forgotten by most of Secramore, a race of demons is determined to resurrect their dark god, Ocranthos. Essential to their plans are three elements: the Silver Sigil, the Key, and a Vessel, all of which are nearly in their gra...