A small town cop’s murder investigation turns deadly when she uncovers a web of politics and drugs linked to an outlaw motorcycle gang in this gripping debut suspense novel for fans of Winter’s Bone, Frozen River, Breaking Bad, and Sons of Anarch...
In her former life as an FBI agent in Oakland, California, June Lyons didn't flinch at tough assignments investigating gangs. But this hot and weary summer, she finds herself on the sidelines of the action, fruitlessly searching through a boiling hot...
June Lyons, the FBI-agent-turned-small-town-cop introduced in the acclaimed debut Ice Shear, must solve two connected cases whose roots stretch back decades and touch the lives of those closest to her
As a police officer in the Rust Belt town of H...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
M.P. Cooley has published 3 books.
M.P. Cooley does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Flame Out, was published in May 2015.
The first book by M.P. Cooley, Ice Shear, was published in July 2014.