Set in New York and Paris amid the glamorous and competitive worlds of art and real estate, Scorpio Rising takes the reader from the late 1940s to the 1960s through the tumultuous lives of its heroes. There is Alex Ivanov, the son of a Russian immigr...
In Scorpio Rising, Monique Domovitch presented a compelling tale filled with colorful characters and the manipulation of power, ambition, and greed. Now she gives us its spellbinding sequel, The Sting of the Scorpio, where Alexander Ivanov returns to...
A RECIPE FOR MURDER Nicky Landry owning a restaurant is as crazy as an alcoholic owning a bar. But despite having to cram herself into a body shaper to look decent in a dress, life is pretty good. She's throwing the party of the year for her gradu...
Murder and mayhem are on the menu… Chef Nicky Landry is more than co-owner of Skinny's; she's the low-cal eatery's number one success story (according to the billboards, anyway. She's gained most of the weight back…shh!). Now Nicky and her bu...