In this collection of seven short stories, Moira Crone presents fresh writings about women, love, and strength. Kudzu is a tale of a girl's childhood in the stranglehold of American life. The Brooklyn Lie deals with a young woman's sexuality and body...
In What Gets Into Us, the new collection of short stories by Moira Crone, a curious child discovers that some believe "the gods who made this world didn't make it right, and they are terribly sorry about it." A nine-year-old girl is the only one w...
PHILIP K. DICK AWARD FINALIST 2012 ( FOR ORIGINAL PAPERBACK SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL OF THE YEAR) Praised for its political vision, literary voice, and environmental prescience, The Not Yet brings forth a searing vision of the future. Set in the ravaged...
Ten-year-old Claire adores her brand-new baby sister, but her mother doesn't feel the same. Trapped in the suffocating culture of the small-town South in the early 1960s, Claire's mother tries to cope with her own mental illness and all the e...