Pieta, a normal girl, leads a normal, uneventful life in a world of constant black rain. As the rain pours down, like it always does, she takes her usual route to school and has a pleasant conversation with her friend Danae. This is what every day ...
Why, oh why, oh why do you do what you do? “I want to make it to tomorrow!” Danae, Chiaro, Leona, Nike... Pieta’s circle grows and grows. Every day is a fun one -- until she commits to breaking the cycle... Down...a black rain falls...
THIS IS THE WORK OF A WITCH. SHE HAS THE JOY I WANT, SO I’M TAKING IT FROM HER! Her double dealt with, Pieta has willed her way to a new tomorrow. With a bounce in her step, she splashes through sidewalk puddles, but mysteries still creep in damp ...
To end this chain of sorrow is her oath. But Pieta, if she should end despair, must destroy their sorrow and power both. FULL MOON So named are they who might aid in the dare. But though this “Stephanie” shares their ringed eyes, who can tr...
There’s somewhere I want to take you! Let’s all go there together! An invitation has been extended to Pieta. The place where she and Danae can recreate her lost birthday awaits. A shadow strikes, and Pieta plunges into the darkness of despair! ...
“That...That is something that you, and you alone, can say, Pieta.” The house of shadows shines light upon the truth of the world. Stephanie draws nearer to the center of the social service system. And Pieta follows, not far behind. Two o...