Ten-year-old Ben and twelve-year-old Joseph discover strange things happening in the woods behind their house. A large man in full black armor and holding a crossbow appears out of nowhere. When an arrow strikes a tree right above their heads, Ben an...
Ten-year-old Ben and twelve-year-old Joseph discover strange things happening in the woods behind their house. A large man in full black armor and holding a crossbow appears out of nowhere. When an arrow strikes a tree right above their heads, Ben an...
Joseph and Ben must figure out what kind of quest King Arthur has set before them after True Heart leaves some puzzling clues. In this electrifying fourth volume, the would-be Knights of Right once again must prove themselves, this time by fighting d...
King Arthur's castle has been attacked! Ben and Joseph realize that defending the right is more important than ever when the temptation to do wrong comes from unlikely sources - their best friends! Will they give in to peer pressure, or will they tri...