If books could kill... Plagiarism was an ugly word. And Tony Nichols kept repeating it. Could Claire Kennedy's reclusive bestselling author have stolen her latest mystery novel from one of Tony's students? Was Claire's reputation, and the future o...
Dead men don't rob banks Bank executive Emma Kingston was on vacation when the vault blew up. A man was killed -- and his identity strangely obliterated. A king's ransom littered the floor -- but not a thing was stolen. Philip Rowlands ...
What's a girl to do? Megan Summers, TV-ratings coordinator and mother of two, was just getting her life in order when a uniformed killer -- dubbed the Grim Reaper by the media -- donned a badge and caused chaos in the cozy hamlet of Melbourne...
Double or nothing When Grand Illusions hired a Brennan Richards look-alike, owner Catherine Grand met the reclusive Irish rocker in person. Wearing biker regalia and an earring, Brennan was charismatic -- even for a living legend. But he was also ...
Past sins haunted the South.... In the steamy dog days of an Alabama August, P.I. Teresa Worth struggled with her cases. Her kidnapped daughter remained top priority - then came hit-and-run murders, petty thieves and men like Wells Talmadge. T...
He had her in his sights... His face haunted her memories. His Australian accent and trim, tanned body taunted her dreams. But when Alec Steele reappeared in the flesh, Molly Jake's life became a living nightmare. He claimed he'd escap...
SHE'D REPRESSED MEMORIES OF HER PAST Her hometown's annual celebration made the perfect cover for the real reason behind Elizabeth Monette's visit: she wanted to find the truth about her mother's murder. Instead, she found herself trapped--between...