A mysterious scroll transports a brother and sister back in time to God's creation of the world in the first installment of this action-packed chapter book series for emerging readers.The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and...
In their second time-traveling adventure, siblings Peter and Mary get sent back to the time of Noah just days before the flood comes.The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient...
Back for their third adventure, siblings Peter and Mary journey back in time to Egypt, where Moses fights for the Israelites' freedom and plagues wreak havoc.The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank,...
The Hidden Scrolls send siblings Peter and Mary back to the Battle of Jericho in this fourth installment of the time-traveling chapter book series.
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as...
The Hidden Scrolls send siblings Peter and Mary back to the Battle of Jericho in this fourth installment of the time-traveling chapter book series.The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they di...
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scrolls that transport them back to key moments in biblical history.When Peter and Mary travel back in time for their seventh advent...
In the sixth installment of the time-traveling chapter book series, the Hidden Scrolls take siblings Peter and Mary back to ancient Babylon, where Daniel is about to get thrown into the lions' den.The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows sibli...
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scrolls that transport them back to key moments in biblical history.
When Peter and Mary travel back in time for their seventh ad...
When the Hidden Scrolls hurtle siblings Peter and Mary back in time, they wind up in the middle of David and Goliath's epic battle.The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient s...
In the thrilling series finale, Peter and Mary return to Jerusalem, where they witness Jesus' crucifixion and Resurrection. The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scr...
In Book 8 of the time-traveling chapter book series, the Hidden Scrolls send Peter and Mary back to Jerusalem, where a teacher named Jesus has started teaching and performing miracles.
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings ...
In the thrilling series finale, Peter and Mary return to Jerusalem, where they witness Jesus'' crucifixion and Resurrection.
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls series follows siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scro...