Threatened by plundering cyborg bandits, an innocent village defies its inhuman enemies with the help of mortal men born to do battle and bound to die for honor: humanity’s champions, the seven samurai. This thrilling m...
The seven samurai have arrived at an embattled village to save its inhabitants from a loathsome foe. But they must overcome many obstacles. The community is afraid of the samurai, the enemy wields awesome technologica...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mizutaka Suhou has published 2 books.
Mizutaka Suhou does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Samurai 7 Volume 2, was published in June 2009.
The first book by Mizutaka Suhou, Samurai 7, was published in March 2009.
No. Mizutaka Suhou does not write books in series.