I don’t know what you two are up to...but I don’t want you to see him again.Well, one of my problems has been solved, at least. The Naruse-leaving- the-team-to-practice-alone- because-he-didn’t-want-to-look-lame one. But that was so much easier...
Is it bad for me to tell people we’re datingdating? Huh?! Who’s dating whom now? I said I’d think about it. And how exactly does he go from “I’ll come watch your games” to “I’ll be your girlfriend”? Stupid jerk even told the entire...
We already made it through two days without any Naruse-related incidents (or at least any public ones), so if he could just hang on for one more day ! But of course that rug rat is starting to get all antsy -- being super-touchyfeely, saying whatever...
Huh?! What does he even mean?! Stupid brat!! First he doesn’t push that girl away -- after she kissed him -- and now he’s saying THAT?? While eating squid? I mean, I know I’m the one who’s been avoiding talking to him head-on, and I did tell ...
I’M SUPER-ASHAMED AND SUPER-SAD THAT YOU HAVE TO GO. The Winter Cup qualifiers are right around the corner. There’s still so much to do, though -- gotta make sure the team’s ready, then there’s the school festival, and studying for entrance ...
When life gives you lemons and then you wake up in a hot guy’s house… Tamaki Mishina was getting out. Escaping from the tiny village where everyone loathed her for things beyond her control, especially since her dad-her last tie to the town-had ...
Urrrrgh! Hakamada-kun crushed our dream of winning the Winter Cup, so my tenure as the basketball team’s manager is over…But that just means it’s time for the next phase of my life -- exam season. And now, because Naruse’s been busy with his ...
I still haven’t told him… the most important things. Um…when exactly is this next train coming? I really, really need to make it to my entrance exams on time. Hakamada-kun’s here too? And now, geez, he ended up saving my bacon. Note to self:...
From the moment I was born, I’ve always wanted to find that special someone. To me, freedom can be found in only one place. They share all kinds of stuff now. Rooms, beds, keys…It’s become just a part of the daily routine of Tamaki and Rou’s...
What does he MEAN “that wasn’t nearly enough”?! Well, it is true that between my part-time job and classes and getting dragged into stuff with the college basketball club, it’s been a lot harder to find time to just BE together, but…I’m r...
Tamaki’s and Rou’s shared rooming situation has been going swimmingly. They’re finally starting to get pretty cozy...until the day Tamaki gets a call that her grandmother has collapsed. Driven to visit her only remaining living relative, she re...
Well, I guess he sort of has a point, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready for…whatever! After all, it’s so embarrassing and, like, yes I want to be a good girlfriend, but what does that even MEAN?! I’m not the team manager anymore, so I can’t...
You’re like…the monster that came in the spring.Just her pet pig and her mom. Those are the only two beings Ranko needs or wants in her life -- not all the irritating people at school, not her new stepdad, and certainly not that scary guy from th...
But first, let me just sayone thing -- I love you…Okay, sooo…guess the cat’s out of the bag now. Everyone and their mother knows that I’m his girlfriend, thanks to his announcement to a TV reporter! Which means all the basketball guys have qu...
This boy is gonna be the death of her. Like, seriously. For real, they already live together, but now he wants to go to her school too...?! Ranko’s juuuust a tad worried that he’s obsessing a bit too much—after all, liking someo...
Geez, that was so nerve-wracking! I’m glad that I could FINALLY do something for him as his girlfriend...Next up is graduation, a spring break trip with the team, and then off to college! I’m kinda nervous about how he’s gonna handle Suwa-san b...
Oh-kaaay...So given the way Kaya’s been acting lately, it’s been getting harder and harder to put her foot down and deny that this thing between them is only a family thing. Which means the proper course of action would be to create some ...
One day these boys will be the death of her...She was so excited that her and Naruse were finally going to the same school again, and was so ready for them to work through their problems TOGETHER, because they’re adults now, but—once a ch...