Mitchell Hogan, an imaginative new talent, makes his debut with the acclaimed first installment in the epic Sorcery Ascendant Sequence, A Crucible of Souls, a mesmerizing tale of high fantasy that combines magic, malevolence, and mystery.When young C...
A novice sorcerer may hold the key to saving his world -- or be the instrument of its destruction -- by the Aurealis Award-winning author of A Crucible of Souls.Blood of Innocents is the second book in The Sorcery Ascendant Sequence, a mesmerizi...
From the Aurealis Award-winning author of A Crucible of Souls.
To Inquisitor Angel Xia, it was just another corporate killing on a backwater planet. But as the bodies begin to pile up and she finds herself a target, she realizes she’s stepped ...
In this gritty and breathtaking conclusion to the Sorcery Ascendant Sequence, the award-winning fantasy series, a young sorcerer must learn to wield his extraordinary powers to defeat two warring empires. In a battle of armies and sorcerers, empi...
Ten years before A Crucible of Souls... In the bustling capital city of the Mahruse Empire, Felicienne Shyrise spends her days as a talented investigator, taking on stolen goods and missing person cases and the occasional murder the city guard are ...
From the Aurealis Award-winning author of A Crucible of Souls.
In a world devastated by a series of cataclysms, where the followers of different gods vie for ascendancy, mankind carves out a precarious existence among the remnants of a desola...
This is a stand-alone novella set before the events of Revenant Winds. Niklaus, master swordsman, has not aged a day since being chosen by his mercurial goddess. A slave to her will, he moves from one cryptic mission to the next in the hope of as...
Outcast and exiled, the demon Tarrik Nal-Valim has long been forgotten by the world of humans. At least, so he thinks. But when he is summoned as a last resort by a desperate sorcerer, it seems as though his past has caught up with him. The sorcer...
For the damned, redemption may be just a mad dream…
Years have passed since the demon Tarrik and his master, the sorcerer Ren, destroyed the servants of Samal and suppressed the very essence of the vile lord. The cost was greater than even...
THE LAST ARROW: A Sorcery Ascendant Short StoryHeikir fights against overwhelming odds, but can one lone man turn the tide and decide the fate of all?A poor farmer conscripted into the army, Heikir finds himself one of hundreds of archers defending ...
A corrupted power stirs from beyond the grave.The Necromancer Queen will rise again. In the wake of the rebel Niyandrians' abduction attempt, Anskar DeVantte, now a knight-inferior of the Order of Eternal Vigilance, has set sail with the Grand Master...
Niklaus du Plessis, master swordsman, hasn't aged a day since being chosen by his goddess. A slave to her will, he moves from one cryptic mission to the next in the hope of pleasing her and perhaps ascending to become her equal. After centuries ...
A corrupted power stirs from beyond the grave.The Necromancer Queen will rise again.In Niyas, the new Seneschal plans to use Anskar to further the Church's aims and grind the Niyandrians and their culture to dust.But having thrown off the shackles of...
A corrupted power stirs from beyond the grave.The Necromancer Queen will rise again.Sent with a contingent of knights to reinforce the Thousand Lakes Kingdom against the aggression of the normally peaceable Soreshi, Anskar DeVantte learns that the Ne...