Haunted by the untimely deaths of his mother, little sister, and a childhood friend, listless high schooler Haruomi Io has trouble engaging with anything or anyone. Of course, that doesn't mean others have trouble engaging with him-a fact he discover...
Haruomi awakens to the power of the Ring of Solomon and decides to take up the role of Annihilator in the Seventh Gospel Organization, a society of demon hunters, in order to grant Zilch her wish. Under orders from the organization, Haruomi and Zilch...
Ever since his sister disappeared ten years ago, Haruomi's held a grudge against the mysterious organization Goetia. But when the demonic "Branches" Leraje and Berith go after both Haruomi's dad and Zilch, things get even more personal! Will Haruomi ...
Haruomi, Zilch, and Murohime have stormed Goetia’s headquarters to rescue Haruomi’s father. Within Goetia’s walls, they find signs of an internal power struggle. Who is Beelzebub, and why is the Ring of Solomon ineffective against her? As the m...
Haruomi and the Seventh Gospel Organization have arrived to rescue Murohime, but Hellentza has designs on the buxom agent as well. What's more, Zilch's bizarre behavior only adds to the chaos-will the true identity of her second personality finally c...