In a future post-apocalyptic Paris, a rebellion threatens to upset the city's perfectly-structured balance and plunge its citizens into anarchy. Two generations after the Execution of Kane 148 and Otpor's return to Orthodoxy, forbidden murals are ap...
Once known as Paris, the walled city-state of Otpor is enjoying a new Golden Age.The horrors of the Singularity and Emancipation forgotten, citizens now revel in a veritable utopia of ubiquitous drugs, alcohol, and entertainment, washed down with ful...
The thrilling conclusion to the subversive dystopian series Divided Elements.With her conditioning finally unravelled, Anaiya is free. But her single-minded pursuit to pull down the Orthodoxy is made more complicated with the return of old frien...
Nothing was the same after the sky broke.In a post-apocalyptic world, the small island of Tasmania has been transformed by a lush mutant wilderness, an impenetrable border wall that divides the affluent North from the contaminated South, and a decade...