Welcome to Bermooda, an undiscovered tropical island that is primarily populated by walking, talking cows of human intelligence. Bermooda has no "outsiders," and most prefer to keep it that way. That is, until Chuck ventures into the boneyard alone a...
When Chuck and Dakota sneak onto Marco Pollo's giant ship, the Swashclucker, they accidentally become part of one of Marco's high seas capers! Setting sail with Marco and his trusty sidekick, Ribeye, they must find the Coral Crown before the evil Kin...
When Chuck and Dakota find a magic seashell complete with a wish-granting genie inside, their first wish is for a never-ending supply of chocolate-covered bananas. But when Dakota wishes to become a real cow so he doesn't have to wear his cowmouflage...
Chuck and Dakota win a chance to visit the studio of reclusive artist and storyteller Norman Redmane, the creator of IncrediBull, a cowmic book series about a flying supercow from beyond the moon. But during the calves' visit, Norman gets bonked on t...