e-Novella, 97 Pages Rayzor of Twelve, a lonely Bounty Hunter banished from his home world, is determined to follow his mission parameters: He must extract his target from a primitive planet called Earth with zero human casualties. His plan unfo...
Hannah’s having a bad day. Her friends have ditched her, and she’s stuck going on a tour of Hearst Castle. And she ends up seated next to a muscle-bound, dangerous-looking man dressed all in black, with pearly-white skin and silver eyes. Heriot i...
My indentured servitude is almost over and freedom is a heartbeat away!Until some alien guy buys me because he needs a nanny, quick. What? I'm not even good with kids. I've never changed a diaper in my life. But the beings at the employment agency wo...
Ich wurde unwissentlich auf ein Blind Date mit einem Hyrrokiner namens Idun Grindstone geschickt?Neeeeein. Das wird niemals funktionieren!Wie kann eine Menschenfrau in Besitz eines beachtlichen Erbes nur im Geringsten etwas mit einem teuflisch ausseh...