Newest Release
6 Books (1 Series)
First Book:
February 2009
Latest Book:
April 2018
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Full Series List in Order
1 -
The Pardaillan (Feb-2009)
2 -
The Knight-Errant (Oct-2009)
3 -
Aqua Toffana (Feb-2011)
Book List in Order: 6 titles
The Pardaillan
Even though it is one of the best-known novels of Michael Zévaco, The Pardaillan remains unknown in the English-speaking world. It was originally written in French and then translated to Spanish where movies were made in both languages from a script...
The Knight-Errant
Don't miss the continued saga of the intrepid knight-errant John of Pardaillan caught in a web of treacherous and vindictive royal revenge Why do the courtiers want to kill him? Why are Pardaillan father and son fighting against each other on differ...
Aqua Toffana
In this third exciting installment of Michael Zévaco's novels The Pardaillan is filled with more treacheries, palace intrigues, murder plots, which culminate eventually with the grea...
Don Juan
Après la signature du traité de paix entre François Ier et Charles Quint, en 1538, la ville de Gand s'est rebellée. Afin de briser au plus vite cette mutinerie, l'empereur Charles Quint n'a q'une solution : passer avec ses troupes à travers le r...
Borgia !
Rome ! L’antique capitale du monde civilisé dormait, appesantie en une morne tristesse. Une sorte de terreur mystérieuse et profonde glaçait la superbe cité jusque dans ses moelles....
À 50 ans, François 1er est las de la belle Ferronnière, il aime la douce et jeune Gilette. Or Gilette n'est autre que la fille adoptive de son fou, Triboulet, et est aimée de Manfred, truand de la Cour des Miracles. D'autres surprises attendent e...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Michel Zevaco has published 6 books.
Michel Zevaco does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Triboulet, was published in April 2018.
The first book by Michel Zevaco, The Pardaillan, was published in February 2009.
Yes. Michel Zevaco has 1 series.