"Rescued" from the Dreamtime by a well-meaning missionary, Raba, a young Aborigine girl, finds herself torn between two worlds and must return to the Dreamtime to learn the secrets of the Ancestors in order to save her people...
Years after an inexplicable incident during which ninety percent of the human population disappeared without a trace, the survivors make peace with each other, defending themselves against roving fanatics and investigating the Vanishing. Reprint....
The story of Tomasso de Befanini, son of the astrologer to the Medicis, whose quest to become Catherine de Medici's master chef is interrupted by war, intrigue, and magic, includes a glossary and recipes for several of the dishes involved. Reprint....
A fantastical account of the life of Catherine de 'Medici follows the adventures of Catherine, the beautiful heiress to the fortune of the de 'Medici, and her personal chef, Tommaso Arista, as they come up with a way to defeat the ambitious schemes o...