It is the summer of 1779 and the height of the American Revolution. The New York frontier from Albany to the Pennsylvania border is in bloody turmoil as raiding parties of Iroquois Indians from different tribes join with Tories to attack their neighb...
This first volume in the Sgt. Smith WWII trilogy follows a squad of First Infantry Division soldiers to the Tunisian desert of North Africa in their first experience of war. As members of the “Big Red One,” the most famous division in the America...
In this first book of the Jonathan Kinkaid Series, "Independent Action," our hero serves as First Lieutenant aboard the American frigate Randolph of 32 guns, blockaded in the port of Philadelphia during the winter of 1776-77. Tasked with orders to un...
In this fourth volume of the Jonathan Kinkaid historical fiction series, our daring American Navy Captain and his seagoing patriots take the news of our great victory over the British at Saratoga to Benjamin Franklin in Paris. Filled with intrigue an...
In this second volume of the Sgt. Smith World War II trilogy, we find First Squad on the hot and rocky island of Sicily as the Allies plan to take and hold the island in order to better control shipping in the Mediterranean and as a jumping off point...
"Hazardous Duty," finds Kinkaid in command of the 18-gun sloop of war, Ranger, tasked with scouting duties for the Continental Fleet in this third volume of the Jonathan Kinkaid Series. Braving not only the foul and frigid weather of northern waters,...
In this fifth volume of the Jonathan Kinkaid series, our intrepid captain is given command of America's premier warship, one of the finest ships ever produced during the Revolutionary War, the large and powerful 40-gun frigate Alliance, her mission t...
It is the summer of 1776. The battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill have been fought, forcing Washington into retreat. Now a large British force under General Guy Carleton has landed in Canada and means to push south through the chain of lake...
In this third volume of the Sgt. Smith World War II Trilogy we follow First Squad from the bloody beach at Omaha to the hell of the Huertgen Forest as the Fighting First battles its way across France and into Germany. Smith and his men are veterans n...
In this third volume of the Sgt. Smith World War II Trilogy we follow First Squad from the bloody beach at Omaha to the hell of the Huertgen Forest as the Fighting First battles its way across France and into Germany. Smith and his men are veterans n...