When he's killed at a young age in a car accident, the unnamed narrator enters the spirit world and is surprised to learn that the angels want him to join their ranks. Upon arriving in Heaven, he discovers an idealized world of comfort, but the eupho...
Through richly detailed reveries into the past, the reader is introduced to the anti-hero of the story, Daniel Beasy. As Daniel explores both his surroundings and his memories, he walks in the shadows of his life. His obsession with a charming woman,...
This book was written to help children read and enjoy the subject of a scarecrow having adventures around his farm. Scaredy has a few friends in the animals on the farm with a lovely friendly farmer and his wife. As you will see Scaredy gets about he...
A child's dream of becoming the sun awakens the light we all have with simple acts of kindness. With colorful illustrations, this book has ancient wisdom for adults and children alike, teaching the importance of kindness and tolerance to create a br...