Before Twilight and True Blood, even before Buffy and Anne Rice and Bela Lugosi, vampires haunted the nineteenth century, when brilliant writers everywhere indulged their bloodthirsty imaginations, culminating in Bram Stoker's legendary 1897 novel, D...
Michael Sims brings together the finest vampire stories of the Victorian era in a unique collection that highlights their cultural variety. The stories range from Aleksei Tolstoy's tale of a vampire family to Fitz James O'Brien's invisible monster to...
Gathering the finest adventures among private and police detectives from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-including a wide range of overlooked gems-Michael Sims showcases the writers who ever since have inspired the field of detective fic...
Ghost stories date back centuries, but those written in the Victorian era have a unique atmosphere and dark beauty. Michael Sims, whose previous Victorian collections "Dracula's Guest" (vampires) and "The Dead Witness" (detectives) have been widely p...
From Michael Sims, the acclaimed author of "The Story of Charlotte's Web," the rich, true tale tracing the young Arthur Conan Doyle's creation of Sherlock Holmes and the modern detective story. As a young medical student, Arthur Conan Doyle studie...
From Mary Shelley to H.G. Wells, a collection of the best Victorian science fiction from Michael Sims, the editor of Dracula's Guest. Long before 1984, Star Wars, or The Hunger Games, Victorian authors imagined a future where new science and techn...
After a long journey, the dimension clock has finally reached its destination. Galerina's family is there to greet this strange device that has arrived to collect their only beautiful daughter. Galerina finds it hard to contain her excitement at the ...
For classic murder mystery readers, a scintillating anthology of lost treasures to read alongside Edgar Allan Poe and Sherlock HolmesA Penguin ClassicFor The Penguin Book of Murder Mysteries, writer and anthologist Michael Sims did not summon the usu...