Chana and her friends, known as the Squinkles, are the center of attention when they build a huge snowman in front of their school and weatherman Sonny Day films the gang, posing by the snowman, and interviews Chana, causing her, her friends, and her...
Chana's friend Stephanie is falsely accused of cheating on a school quiz, causing her to miss the long-awaited sleepover party, and when the girls get together and discuss why Stephanie said nothing to defend herself, they realize that she has a prob...
When her family relocates from their familiar New York City high-rise apartment, Chana Millan struggles to adapt to her new California suburb home, where Puerto Rican-Americans are in the minority. Original....
Still missing her friends back in New York, Chana becomes increasingly unhappy when she and her older twin sisters grow apart, and she plans to use a special Puerto Rican Halloween tradition to bring her family together again. Original....