Longing for escape from his mundane existence as a Stanford computer science major, Jason Lind signs up to play Fortuna, an online role-playing game set in Renaissance Florence.From the first, fateful mouse click, Jason tumbles into the vibrant, lush...
A Novel of the Metaverse Jason Lind is bored with life in Stanford's computer science department. The Florentine Game promises escape – into a world guided by Machiavelli's thought and driven by complex chance algorithms...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Michael R. Stevens has published 2 books.
Michael R. Stevens does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Florentine Game, was published in June 2023.
The first book by Michael R. Stevens, Fortuna, was published in May 2010.
No. Michael R. Stevens does not write books in series.