In this sequel to the classic story of The Seasons of the EmmaLee, Michael Lindley revisits the idyllic resort community of Charlevoix, Michigan. On Past Horton Creek continues the saga of the McKendry's, the Compton's and George Hansen, now in the 1...
In this second edition of Michael Lindley's acclaimed first novel, "The Seasons of the EmmaLee" this is a love story set in Charlevoix, Michigan in the 1940's and present day; a story of unexpected love, betrayal, murder and redemption. Named a "supe...
In this classic historical fiction love story and family saga, Mathew Coulter seeks refuge in a remote Florida beach town to escape his ruthless family who control the liquor trade in 1920's Atlanta. He meets a ten year-old blind girl, Melanee Dal...
In this follow-up to the classic family saga of Historical Fiction, Mystery and Suspense, Michael Lindley revisits the idyllic resort town of Charlevoix, Michigan. It’s 1951, and lawyer, George Hansen, has found himself on the wrong end of bad situ...
Hanna Walsh's husband is found murdered in Charleston, South Carolina. His failed land deal leaves her family and finances in ruins. The FBI thinks she knows more than she's letting on and a dangerous stranger thinks she's hiding several million d...
In A FOLLOWING SEA, Hanna is still recovering from the trauma of her husband's murder and betrayal of those she held close as Detective Alex Clark helps her find a new path and a new relationship in her life. Their time together is soon threatened...
From Amazon #1 bestselling author Michael Lindley; an emotional story of love, betrayal and bitter compromise set in 1920's Atlanta and a remote village on the northern Gulf Coast of Florida.When a woman from his past makes a surprising return during...
Charleston detective Alex Frank encounters a tragic loss and near-deadly run-in with a ruthless crime syndicate. As attorney Hanna Walsh helps him search for a dangerous killer, the surprise return of a lover from her past sends all hope of her futur...
The Amazon Charts #1 bestselling mystery series.A missing twin. A wayward sister. A jaw-dropping twist.The shocking disappearance of a young woman and a suspicious death put Hanna and Alex back in the crosshairs of the ruthless Dellahousaye crime fam...
Hanna and Alex face their most dangerous challenge yet when the murder of a past friend and associate leads them to a plot that threatens to be one of the most devastating terrorist attacks in US history.As they struggle to stop the frightening catas...
As Hanna and Alex begin to settle into their new life together on Pawley's Island, a mysterious death and the return of a ruthless rival sends them off on a perilous journey to bring him to justice again and find out how and why Ally Combes died at...
Hanna and Alex thought a getaway on Key West and the Marquesas Keys would be a healing experience after devastating chaos and trauma back in South Carolina... until a friend's abduction ignites an unimaginable series of calamities.Hanna Walsh continu...
When a woman is found murdered in the marshes near Pawleys Island, suspects and motives prove elusive as Deputy Alex Frank leads the investigation to find the killer.A quirky new neighbor next to Hanna's beach house on Pawleys Island, and a new partn...
Next up in the Amazon #1 bestselling Hanna and Alex Low Country mystery and suspense series… THE FIRM OFFER. Hanna and Alex travel to Atlanta to celebrate her father's 70th birthday. The unexpected arrival of two FBI agents ...