Each novel in this compelling new series about Los Angeles cops will deal with a unique and fascinating Los Angeles milieu. In her first outing, Detective Sandra Cameron finds out that drawing cartoons can be deadly, especially when you are as origni...
Working with her beloved quarter stallion Buster Brown at a horse show competition, Detective Sandra Cameron begins to recover from the shooting that took her partner's life, and nearly her own. Her hard-won peace of mind, however, is shattered by th...
Angels Descending is the story of two American brothers living in England with their family during the mid-sixties. The story chronicles the events leading to, and following, the death of sixteen-year-old Porter 'Pogue" Bushing, a death for which you...
“Last Ride to Stillwater” begins with a killer named Jimmy Bigelow who, fleeing the authorities in the mountains of western Montana, will stop at nothing, including killing those in his path, to escape the hangman’s noose awaiting him in Deer L...
The Son of Caelryck is the third book in the Twilight of the Gods trilogy. The story opens with Aeryck awaiting the arrival of his uncle Finn from Erie, his only living blood relative and key to his father’s and mother’s identity. The voyage from...