This is a fictional work that encompasses modern counterterrorism with current terrorist tactics that have been thwarted or investigated by respected counterterrorism agencies. These scenarios are linked together with the formation of a special priva...
"An Owl's Whisper," a novel In the shadow of evil, truth is the riskiest choice. Open "An Owl's Whisper" and enter Eva's world-one of truth and lies, refuge and peril, loyalty and betrayal, innocence...guilt...redemption. Eva Messiaen is a convent sc...
You don't choose heroism-it chooses you. Saving Euridice plunges you into desperate times. In the midst of Germany's post-WWII collapse, Pvt. Winston Drake, a U.S. Army clerk, meets Stetti, a fine cellist and committed Marxist. Trying to save this b...