Nadya Illyushin spends her teenage days at Institution, like most young residents of Stary Sovok. Stary is a bleak colony of Russkaya Amerika, established several hundred years ago, after the Great Intercontinental War of 1983. Nadya's nights are spe...
Nadya Illyushin faces the inevitable, the neizbezhnyy, in the sensual, sensory world of Caelum, in the sequel to the ground-breaking Nadeyat'sya. This time, new secrets are unmasked- and an entire world is reopened to her and her beautiful sister, Sa...
Five-hundred years later, another war is fought by a colony for its independence, on the same ground as the first. This time, with assault weapons… and music. Stary Trilogy, the groundbreaking, passionate YA series which opened last summer with the...