A team of British officers fluent in German, plan to replace the captured crew of a Nazi U-Boat, travel to occupied Bordeaux, and kidnap Glesner, the mastermind behind the Nazi U-Boats prowling the Atlantic...
Chuck Anderson, born to wealth and privilege in the Cradle of the Confederacy, is a border line alcoholic, who is ruled by his domineering mother, Leona, a recovering alcoholic herself. Zola Murray, also known as Zenith, is the daughter of Chuck's gr...
Refusing to inform on his best friend for pulling the school fire alarm, Sam accepts the blame & and the consequences. He's sent to the local fire station to do chores every day. While there, the firefighters take a liking to him and he to them, ...
Beyond Tobacco Road, a novel of the Deep South, chronicles the Andersons of Montgomery, Alabama from 1970 until the late l990s. The Andersons are an old southern family with ties to aristocracy, debutante balls, bachelor clubs, and a gallant, if defe...
The year is 1979. Malaise, stagflation, turmoil in the Middle East, and a gas crunch; these things are but background noise for what unfolds when a lovesick businessman and a sociopathic drifter cross paths. John Nix, business manager of a Silicon Va...
A scotch-swilling DUI attorney, a cynical congressional staffer, and a retired bomb- sniffing German Shepherd are just some of the characters Chuck Wesson meets after he takes a travel assignment from his new boss, mysterious Silicon Valley entrep...
Defending Choice: Women's Rights and Abortion is a compelling exploration of the complex and often contentious issue of reproductive rights. Authored by Michael Hughes, this book delves into the historical, legal, and ethical dimensions surrounding w...
'Michael Hughes writes like a brilliant cross between David Mitchell and Hilary Mantel' Toby LittIn 1999 a programmer is trying to fix the millennium bug, but can't shake the sense he's been chosen for something.In 1888 five women are brutally murder...
Tyler Conway, a student at the University of Southern California, has yet to line up work for the summer before his senior year. At the suggestion of a family friend, Tyler begins interning for Kevin Maxley, a former city councilman turned real estat...
Remembering the Christmas House is a captivating and heartwarming coming-of-age novel that follows the life of a spirited 6-year-old girl as she navigates the ups and downs of growing up. From moments of hope, excitement, and joy to facing daunting c...