Under the tutelage of an aging Sufi master, Ben Brickman, an American graduate student in psychology, embarks on a spiritual quest that leads him around the world as he completes ten tasks of enlightenment designed to reveal the ultimate truth. By th...
In an annotated list including movies such as High Noon and Glory, and books such as The Giving Tree and To Kill a Mockingbird, therapist and educator Gurian highlights the particular ethical lessons two hundred great stories can impart to boys and y...
From bestselling author Michael Gurian comes a spiritual thriller that will change the way you look at the world forever. The car crash that killed Jeffrey, a child of prophecy, was a dreadful tragedy. But for the twelve witnesses to this terrible m...
“(Gurian’s) skillful characterizations, convincing dialogue and rich details make this a worthwhile, entertaining collection.” -- Publishers Weekly
“Timely . . . a fascinating look into a world that remains impossibly foreign and o...
New York Times bestselling author of The Wonder of Boys
"(Michael Gurian) convincingly illustrates . . . the peculiar pain and potential loneliness of being a boy in America today."--Time Magazine
When Ben Brickman and Dave McConnell l...