Over the Hedge, created by T Lewis and Michael Fry, takes a freshly skewed look at suburban living from the perspective of the animals who lived there first. The strip stars RJ, a mischievous raccoon, and Verne, his sensitive best-buddy turtle. Toget...
These are wicked little guys who'll pick your pocket as they steal your heart.-Ted Koppel, host of ABC's NightlineSuburbanites treasure their sameness, safety, and security, little knowing what lurks just Over the Hedge. There, in a strikingly succes...
Like good reporters, Mike Fry and T Lewis have revealed to us at last what lies just beyond those well-groomed hedges.-Jim Cox, producer of the upcoming Over the Hedge movieRJ, the mischievous raccoon, and Verne, his philosophical turtle pal, don't h...
Nick is the shortest seventh-grader in the history of the world (he’s pretty sure), doesn’t fit in with any groups or clubs (who needs ’em?), and spends more time inside than outside his locker (they’re roomier than you’d think). Things ...
""Funny and sweet, with a steely centre." -Neil Gaiman, Newbery Medalist and New York Times bestselling author of The Graveyard Book and Coraline Nick is the shortest seventh-grader in the history of the world (he's pretty sure), doesn't"...
After taming the school's biggest bully, Nick, Molly and Karl expect to bask in Safety Patrol glory. But without a bully to set straight, all they're left with is helping sixth graders cross the hall and reminding everyone that Jell-o meat stains. ...
Victor Spoil comes from a long line of famous supervillains and he's fully expected to join their ranks one day. But to his family's utter disappointment, Victor doesn't have a single bad-guy bone in his body. He won't run with scissors, he always fi...
A sequel has never been this good...at being bad! In this highly anticipated follow-up to the bestselling How to Be a Supervillain, Victor Spoil must save the world from an evil scheme to enslave the superheroes and villains--to his parents' utte...
“The brevity, pacing, and humor are likely to appeal to reluctant readers. Fun for fans of fantasy and flatulence." -- Kirkus ReviewsPerfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Hilo! Author-illustrator team Michael Fry and Bradley Jackson return ...
Victor Spoil realizes he's not cut out for life as a supervillain and instead decides to be...a librarian. Little does he know that librarians are a kick-butt secret society who will stop at nothing to control---and shush---the world! It's...
Join oddball outsiders Nick, Molly, and Karl in a hilarious middle-school illustrated novel adventure full of awkwardness and missteps as they strive to be seen in a world that would prefer they stay invisible.Nick is the shortest seventh-grader in t...
Join oddball outsiders Nick, Molly, and Karl in a hilarious middle-school illustrated novel adventure full of awkwardness and missteps as they strive to be seen in a world that would prefer they stay invisible."Funny and sweet, with a steely cen...