This is a humorous and fantastic children’s picture book. The story centers around three eccentric sardines sharing their views on the world; pontificating on strange matters and purporting to know things that the sardines obviously know nothing a...
What happens when a wolf goes to the doctor?
It's time to visit the doctor, and everyone is in the waiting room. The doctor treats a crocodile and an elephant first. Next up is a wolf. Will the doctor survive his cunning patient?
In t...
No wonder Rabbit is so scared! The Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf is on the prowl. Rabbit draws a terrifying picture of the Big Bad Wolf on the blackboard. The Wolf appears and tears after the frightened Rabbit, who tries to hide but to no avail. At the end, th...
Witty, humorous illustrations of great charm tell this story of conscience and mistaken identity as thoroughly as the book's delightful text. Here a lizard takes the liberty of using what seem to be some old underpants when he runs out of toilet p...
Childhood is a magical time when even the stuff of the day-to-day is exciting and the ordinary often seems extraordinary. A part of this magic is that with just a little imagination, we all might be found to possess true superpowers!
This isn't...
"Take Away the A" is a fun, imaginative romp through the alphabet. The idea behind the book is that within every language there are words that change and become a different word through the simple subtraction of a single letter. In other words, wi...
Step right up, fearless readers! Today, in this very book, we will PROVE to you that a snake can hide in a snowflake, that pigs can paint, and that the ones who copy the most are not necessarily cats! Prepare to be AMAZED by the game of hide-n-see...
It's been a busy day, and Charlie, like any tired rabbit, is ready for bed. He arranges his slippers and glass of water, finds his teddy bear, and checks to make sure there are no monsters under the bed. But just as he drifts off to sleep, TAP TAP TA...
Can a monster ever eat too much?
Wolves, ogres, and giants have always populated children’s books. That little bit of fear that they inspire is what makes storytime so exciting. In this book, young children are introduced to a ravenous monste...
This year, Kevin is going to the school costume show as a princess. His costume is perfect but he knows that the best costumes are authentic. So he is outraged that none of the knights will partner with him and complete the look. Things don'...