From the author of Ten Years to Life and The First Time I Killed...On Stage, comes the much awaited debut novella Nomads of the Alley. Following his mother's death, Leonard Turkleton ventures to Boston's Combat Zone, the hotel for homeless, the dayca...
Joey Stevens set up a company after leaving the SAS. All of the employees are either former SAS or Special Forces personal. Every now and again they are asked to take a job that is outside their normal parameters. This is one of those jobs. The brief...
From the author of Ten Years to Life and The First Time I Killed...On Stage, comes the much awaited debut novella Nomads of the Alley. Following his mother's death, Leonard Turkleton ventures to Boston's Combat Zone, the hotel for homeless, t...
Action packed surf fiction mystery adventure novel. Mike Malone is an amateur sleuth on a case to find out why one of the world's best surfers was attacked and left for dead. Malone starts his investigation in the small Southern California town of En...
The story begins at Magdalen College Oxford, 1911. First-year student James Stratton's life was gloriously comprised of lectures, debates, rowing, laughter, girls and learning to fly. England was at her height in naval power and benignly ruled the...
A utopian society upended by a traveler from a faraway world recruits sentient species from across planet Soran. They work together and learn that the entire galaxy is at risk. Travel beyond the galaxy, peel away the fabric of reality, and fall in lo...