Featuring contributions from Eric Jerome Dickey, L. A. Banks, Tananarive Due, and Chesya Burke, this gripping collection of sixteen stories takes readers to a nightmarish realm where werewolves stalk their prey, witches unleash unimaginable power, an...
"A host of drug dealers meets a foe they cannot kill. The president accidentally invites demons into the country and watches the pope turn into a sabertooth tiger. A man, dead since 1920, lives again in present day Los Angeles to satiate a malevolent...
Lords of Justice is a collection of tales just as fun, and well written, as the comics published by DC and Marvel. It’s a thrill packed ride through the world of masks, capes, and high tech gear that will keep you turning the pages to the end and l...
Bestselling crime writer Obadiah Grudge has got it all: money, fame and a heavy drinking problem. But when he learns of a violent death in the family, his otherwise predictable life ignites in a firestorm of supernatural violence. Everything Grudge t...
When God decides to quit and join the human race to see what all the fuss is about, all Hell breaks loose. Sensing his abdication, the other defunct gods of Earth’s vanquished pantheons want a piece of the action He abandoned. Meanwhile, the ...
13 is a collection of horror stories reflecting various elements of the American Dream. But here, the Dream has been twisted beyond easy recognition. These tales of Americana gone hideously and sometimes hysterically wrong feature a dark parade of mi...
Lucifer is enjoying his retirement in an obscure corner of Limbo when he learns of a plot by Gabriel, the current ruler of Hell, to use humanity’s greatest weapon against it -- Television! Cue the hottest reality game-show ever conceived: Who W...
When a moon-sized alien artifact enters our solar system, humankind finally learns that we are not alone in the universe. When a wave of homicidal madness engulfs the planet, however, the human race is rapidly overwhelmed. As the madness known as the...
Look, up in the sky, it's Ultragod! Superheroes have conquered movies, television, video games, and (of course) the comic book. However, there's still a dearth of fantastic superhero literature out there. Tales of Capes and Cowls is a wonderful colle...