An anomalous kiss. A white turtle ferrying the dreams of the dead. A working siesta in a five-star hotel. A woman's twelve-metre hair trawling corpses from a river. Or a queue of longings in Darlinghurst. These enigmatic tales are stories of chance a...
In her lush, luminous debut novel, Merlinda Bobis creates a dazzling feast for all the senses. Richly imagined, gloriously written, Banana Heart Summer is an incandescent tale of food, family, and longing--at once a love letter to mothers and daughte...
From the award-winning author of Banana Heart Summer--" a] wonderful debut... that] resembles Sandra Cisneros's "The House on Mango Street" and is destined to be a hit among book club members"*--comes a wondrous tale of hope, secrets, and family devo...
"How much can the heart accommodate? Death and love, an enemy and a sweetheart, war and an impassioned serenade, and more. Only four chambers, but with infinite space like memory, where there is room even for those whom we do not love. Fish Hai...
Most everything has dried up: water, the womb, even the love among lovers. Hunger is rife and survival desperate, except across the border. One night, a village is bombed for attempting to cross the border. Nine-year old Amedea is buried underground ...
Amidst COVID-19, planetary and personal upheavals, fourteen stories pay homage to kindness. From Australia to the Philippines and other corners of the world, across cultures and species, we meet, connect, console. Always there are birds that inspire ...