After a panicked call from his best friend, Mattie Hardwin, Luc Actar must return to Los Angeles and the life he fled three years earlier. Mattie's husband, a prestigious lawyer named Spencer Hardwin, has mysteriously disappeared. Desperate for assis...
A collection of five short stories written by mystery and crime author Melissa M. Garcia.-In “Faith Departed,” a man struggles over a moral dilemma.-A dying man requests the help of a seasoned detective to solve the mystery of his brother’s dea...
Journalist and ex-car thief, Luc Actar has finally decided to settle down. He’s traded in his life of crime for the life he’s always wanted. He’s moved in with his recently-divorced girlfriend, Mattie Hardwin in her large Malibu home overlookin...
As Homicide Detective Will Stellar comes to grips with his brother’s recent incarceration, he’s called out to the murder of a childhood friend. His investigation leads him to uncover secrets that could take down the Lake City Police Department an...
Luc Actar is back in Los Angeles.As shots ring out in a Malibu school yard, Luc Actar rushes back to the life he fled just months earlier. Mattie Hardwin, the woman he plans to spend the rest of his life with is missing. But John Carliss is wrapped u...