This excellent collection of short stories by Matthew Ward is humorous, poignant, and contains much local color, of the Australian kind. Readers will be happy to read these unusual and witty stories, with their unique characters, placed in strange si...
"A rollicking novel about a young man's coming of age during difficult times. Sensitive and tormented, sixteen-year-old high school freshman Ben Erickson is getting into so much mischief and mayhem that he is on the fast track to being sent to milita...
For every child who’s ever dreamed of being in the Guinness Book of World Records comes the story of eleven-year-old Arthur Whipple and his fantastic family of world record breakers . . . - Most Crème Brulée Eaten in One Minute - Highest Num...
Discover who will be crowned the world's most record-breaking family in the book that's perfect for fans of The Guinness Book of World Records! The rivalry between the Whipples and the Goldwins escalates to an all-out war as the World Record Worl...
In the city of Tressia, the last vestiges of Lumestran belief have been all but supplanted by the worship of Sidara, Lady of Light. However, change is not welcomed by all and, when a prominent Sidarist is found murdered, suspicion falls upon the outl...
"How can you possibly prevail, when even your friends are your enemies?" Maddie Lincoln returns home to Nottingham, struggling to get to grips with a life that's falling apart. However, her workaday problems quickly fade when she's caught up in a war...
"Don't worry... You're not going to die. Not yet."Ambassador Edric Saran is having an uncommonly rough year. Living as an exile in Tressia, the city of his ancestral enemies, he’s surrounded by a bodyguard he doesn’t trust, and expected to do a j...
"The light must shine."From the dank tunnels of the London Underground to the rolling Cornish moors, England hides many secrets. When the mists rise, distant realms brush against the boundaries of our world. Creatures from whispered folk-tales stalk ...
Arrogance is more dangerous than a sword.At long last, there is peace between the Tressian Republic and the Hadari Empire. But it is not welcomed by all. Leaders from both realms watch their counterparts with suspicion, expecting the swift return of ...
Time is running out for Yelen and Mirika Semova. Though the sisters have earned an enviable reputation amongst their fellow explorers of the Frozen City, their lives are haunted by a curse â€" the more Yelen uses her magic, the closer the demon Azzan...
Kazran is a pursuer, a member of an ancient bounty-hunting order. Wielding the magics of the mythical Court of Crows, he has lived a life dedicated to bringing justice to the wronged, without fear or favour.
But when circumstance forces hi...
Legacy of Ash is an unmissable fantasy debut--an epic tale of intrigue and revolution, soldiers and assassins, ancient magic and the eternal clash of empires. A shadow has fallen over the Tressian Republic. Ruling families -- once protectors of...
Warfare, myth and magic collide in Legacy of Steel, the spectacular sequel to Matthew Ward's acclaimed fantasy debut Legacy of Ash. A year has passed since an unlikely alliance saved the Tressian Republic from fire and darkness, at great cost....
Legacy of Light is the spectacular conclusion to Matthew Ward's acclaimed Legacy trilogy -- an unmissable epic fantasy series of war and intrigue perfect for fans of George R. R. Martin, Brent Weeks, and Brandon Sanderson. For the first time...
A witty and uplifting story about perseverance and hope, perfect for fans of The Magical Yet, starring three endearing flightless birds determined to get aloft. Three flightless friends long to feel the wind beneath their wings. So, they tr...
The first in an exciting, action-packed new trilogy from epic fantasy author Matthew Ward, The Darkness Before Them introduces readers to a world ruled by a dangerous immortal king, where souls fuel magic, and a supernatural mist known as t...
The second book in Matthew Ward's action-packed trilogy, the Soulfire Saga, The Fire Within Them is set in a world ruled by an immortal king, where souls fuel magic and a supernatural mist known as the Veil threatens to engulf the land. Per...
In the atmospheric coastal town of Havenport, Detective Inspector Clara Bennett returns home to investigate the suspicious death of Victor Kane, only to uncover a centuries-old web of smuggling, corruption, and murder. When Eleanor Greaves is forced ...
Set in a world of ancient myth and dangerous magic, The Lie That Binds Them is the heart-pounding conclusion to Matthew Ward's Soulfire Saga, where a thief dares to seek vengeance against an immortal king -- and finds herself on the path to...