The healer in an Oaxacan village returns from market with 25 kittens, but the unfamiliar animals are viewed by the townspeople with suspicion and scorn. When an evil spell threatens the local butcher, the healer and his cats save her life and win the...
In this mysterious tale set in ancient Mexico, something unearthly happens when a boy enters a forbidden cave. No curandero can change him back. Only the nahual, a shape-changing magic worker, can see beyond the horizon: “You are destined,&...
The sun lights the day and the moon lights the night, and morning seldom breaks to find them both up in the sky. But when the moon does stay up past dawn, the people of Oaxaca, Mexico, have an explanation: “The moon was at a fiesta.” Once again, ...
This singular story about musical insects celebrates language and the inventive spirit of jazz. The book includes an audio CD featuring the author’s rhythmic narration of the story set to a jazz quartet. A fly, who speaks jazz, asks different critt...
When a little boy falls asleep on a Japanese beach one evening, ten oni drummers suddenly appear and begin beating their taiko drums to chase away the boy's bad dreams. By the creators of
Another award-winning musical book by Matthew Gollub. Includes CD AND FREE AUDIO DOWNLOAD featuring the author's rhythmic narration! Tired of the same old life on the farm, Katie the Cow wants to dance on the moon! Donkey, Duck, Turkey and other barn...
In this awaited sequel to The Jazz Fly, Gollub welcomes young readers to Spanish language and Latin jazz. In fact, he introduces forty zippy Spanish phrases to thoroughly entertain children of all backgrounds. The first Spanish word is “pachanga”...
The be-boppin’ fly and his band are back! Following the award-winning Jazz Fly and Jazz Fly 2: The Jungle Pachanga, this high seas adventure pairs marine mammals with pirate crabs, reggae with cha-cha-chá. It’s a be...