In Icecore, teenage computer hacker Carl Hobbes may have managed to break out of the most secure military prison in the northern hemisphere, but more trouble awaits him in this high-octane sequel. Carl and Beth, his reluctant partner in crime, are on...
What happens when a man wonders aloud if a pig would make a good pet? A great deal - once his wife discovers a kind the size of a handbag.Matt Whyman is a writer and house husband. He enjoys the quiet life. His career wife, Emma, prefers the chaos a ...
On the streets of Medellin, Colombia, actions speak louder than words, and the rule of the bandidos is the only law worth listening to. Like most kids of their age, Shorty and Alberto work for their local cartel. They run cigarettes, offer protection...
They'd love to have you for dinner! Sasha Savage is in love with Jack Greenway--a handsome, charming, clever...vegetarian. Which would be acceptable if it weren't for the fact that Sasha's family are very much 'carnivorous', with strong views to b...