"The Witchfire Trilogy Part I: The Longest Night" is a role playing game adventure set in the exciting "Iron Kingdoms" fantasy game world -- a place where swords & sorcery meet steam power and gunpowder. In "The Longest Night," the players will visit...
In Part 2 of the Witchfire Trilogy, the PCs have another chance to stop the rogue sorceress Alexia Ciannor. After a perilous journey by steamship, the party will follow Alexia into the temple of a machine cult, resulting in a dungeon crawl like no ot...
The conclusion of the Witchfire Trilogy sees the ancient conspiracies unearthed in Part 1 exploding on the battlefield. Raelthorne the Elder's invading army will clash with the Kingdom of Cygnar, and the PCs will be caught in the middle. They'll forg...