Friendship and magical realism sparkle on the page in this heartwarming, delightfully eccentric illustrated middle-grade gem from an extraordinary new literary voice. Perfect for fans of A Snicker of Magic and The Penderwicks. Alberto lives alone...
Adventure, friendship, and magical realism come together in this heartwarming, whimsical story. Perfect for fans of A Snicker of Magic and The Penderwicks. When Oona Britt was born in the magical town of Nordlor, where all of the homes are built f...
From a masterful storyteller comes an adventure filled with magic and mischief, courage and family. Perfect for fans of The Penderwicks and the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. In the city of Hodorf, the Tattercoats live by a strict code. Only steal wh...
An uplifting story celebrating the power of working together by Matilda Woods, author of The Boy, the Bird and the Coffin Maker.With a shrill whistle the Night Train is off, delivering its passengers to children's dreams. The yeti, the ballet dancer,...