Kidnapped and stuffed into a trunk by an unknown assailant, teenager Kazumi bursts forth from the confines of the case to discover that she has been stripped not only of her clothes, but also of the memories of her life before the kidnapping. When...
Kazumi is determined to continue to battle witches alongside the Pleiades Saints, a group of Magical Girls who were Kazumis companions prior to losing her memory. But it turns out that the witches aren't her only enemy... Yuuri, a Magical Girl, has t...
From the very start, it was Kazumi who drew the girls of the Pleiades Saints together. But no magical girl, however beloved by her friends, is exempt from the fate that awaits them all. Fearing that the evil nut may be accelerating Kazumi's transform...
Trapped inside the witch's barrier with the vengeful Kanna, Umika and Kaoru struggle to protect Kazumi as their beloved friend slowly succumbs to her darkening soul gem. If the girls can rally, the witch's grief seed could be used to purify all of th...