In this sequel to The Wizard Children of Finn, Fiona and Bran tumble into the Ireland of 800 A D, tangle with Vikings, and assume the shapes of ravens, all in a quest to find their mysterious father....
The inexplicable and the mundane coexits in Wallingford, New Jersey, where threads of greed and mysticism intertwine the lives of innocent clairvoyant Delia Bird, a rich and cynical film director, a stranger named Will Appleyard, and Delia's long-est...
In a small Colorado ski town, Lily, a strong, self-sufficient ranch owner, is pursued by Foster, a divorced New Yorker on the rebound, and Dusty, a local newspaperman working on a story to attract business to the region...
In the Winter of the Big Snows, Huntley and his baby brother Beau, discover a strange but endearing creature in the ravine behind their house - an australopithecine, - a creature between monkey and man. They take him into their chaotic home to h...